Join the
Leader Accelerator

Learn to master stress, grow your influence, and develop a high-performance team.

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What's Covered in
Leader Accelerator

Master Stress

Learn strategies and tactics to minimize the negative impact of stress on you and your team. Discover ways to leverage eustress for positive outcomes.

Manage the Work

Learn how to stay on top of the never-ending stream of requests and changes. Discover how to properly manage expectations and avoid 'firefighting' mode.

Drive to Clarity

Learn to cut through the fog and ensure your team knows exactly where they're going and what success looks like. Clear goals and expectations lead to better outcomes.

Mind the Gaps

Identify and bridge the gaps that cause stress and turnover. Gain tools to recognize skill gaps, expectation gaps, and resource gaps, and learn how to address them effectively.

Develop Influence

Influence isn’t about your title. It's about having a say in what gets done and how. Learn strategies for developing influence with your team, your leaders, and other stakeholders.

Manage Commitments

As a leader, it's easy to end up buried under a pile of obligations. Learn to create appropriate boundaries and manage your tasks, calendar, and commitments.

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1 Day
Cost per Seat
Max Group Size
New job. New skills.
When you got promoted, you may or may not have known what you were in for... But the skills that got you promoted will not be the skills that help you thrive in your new role.

Here are a few that are essential to master...
Building Trust
Believe it or not, it doesn't automatically come with the title. It has to be earned.
Providing Clarity
The team's looking to you now for direction. It's not enough to say "I don't know". Your team needs to be clear about where they're going and why.
Managing Expectations
Your leaders look to you to know what you'll be delivering and when. Your team needs to know what you expect of them too.
Developing Team Members
Until now, you only had to worry about your own growth. Now the future success of your team members depends largely on you.

Leadership Crisis
Why Effective Leadership Matters More Than Ever

Stress is at an All-Time High

Recent studies show that nearly 80% of employees feel stressed at work, with poor management being a key contributor. High stress levels lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and higher absenteeism, making it crucial for leaders to learn effective stress management techniques.

The tech industry faces the highest turnover rate among all sectors, with rates around 13.2%

In addition, nearly half (42%) of tech employees have considered quitting their jobs within six months due to burnout and other job-related stresses. This underscores the importance of effective leadership and strong retention strategies to maintain a stable workforce in the tech industry.

People Quit their Managers

The relationship between a manager and their direct reports has a significant impact on employee engagement and retention. Studies show that managers account for at least 70% of the variance in employee engagement scores. Engaged employees are more productive and less likely to leave.

The High Cost of Poor Leadership

Poor leadership can create a toxic work environment, leading to disengagement, high turnover, and significant financial costs. Organizations risk losing their top talent and falling behind in a competitive market. Investing in leadership development is critical to mitigate these risks.

The Missing Leadership Training

Many leaders have never received the essential training needed to manage teams effectively. Our Leader Accelerator Workshop fills this gap, providing practical tools and strategies to enhance leadership skills, reduce stress, and improve team performance and retention.

Frequently asked questions

Here are a few answers to some common questions we get about our Leader Accellerator program.

Have a different question?
Contact us!
What is the duration of the workshop?

The workshop is a 1-day, 7-hour session with a 45-minute break for lunch. Most sessions start at 10:00 AM Central time and conclude by 5:00 PM.

Who should attend this workshop?

This workshop is best suited for new tech leaders (< 2 years) on product teams who want help mastering the daily challenges of leading well.

What are the key takeaways?

After the workshop, you will be better equipped to handle stress, develop greater influence, identify and bridge gaps, and motivate and encourage your team. The goal is to help you become a high-performing leader and manager, ultimately increasing engagement and reducing turnover on your team.

How is the workshop delivered?

The workshop is conducted online, over Zoom.

Is there any pre-work?

Yes. You will receive an onboarding email 1-2 weeks before the workshop with instructions for your pre-work. You will want to set aside 1 hour for pre-work during the week leading up to your selected workshop date.

Can the workshop be customized for my team?

For tailored training and support for your team, reach out and let us know what you have in mind. We'll be happy to discuss it with you.

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